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How does the SnapScan integration work?

Created: Feb. 1, 2022, 12:24 a.m. Last updated Feb. 1, 2022, 9:48 p.m.

How does the SnapScan integration work?

Make it easier for your clients to pay you, use the SnapScan AppointmentGuru integration
Note This article has been flagged as needing an update.
The information contained in this article may be incomplete or relate to an older version of AppointmentGuru

SnapScan is a free mobile app that allows shoppers to make safe, fast and easy mobile payments. The app supports credit cards and most debit cards from any local bank, as well as 3D Secure-enabled international bank cards. SnapScan isn't a credit card swiping device that you keep in your practice - transactions are done virtually through mobile apps and your SnapScan account.

How the AppointmentGuru integration works for you (or watch a quick video on how it works):

  • Apply for a SnapScan account and once it's approved, you'll need to edit settings in your AppointmentGuru and SnapScan accounts (see below).
  • When you create an invoice, a unique SnapScan QR code will be added to the invoice and your client can use it for payment through the SnapScan app. You'll also be able to display the QR code from your device for your client to scan and pay immediately (tap on the appointment > Payments).
  • Once paid, the invoice and appointment will automatically be marked as paid in your AppointmentGuru account.
  • The payment will be deposited into your bank account the following business day (minus a 3% SnapScan fee).

How it works for your client:

  • Your client downloads the SnapScan app, creates an account and loads their credit/debit card into their SnapScan account.
  • When they want to make a payment, they open the SnapScan app and scan the QR code on the invoice. SnapScan will ask them to approve it and payment will be made from their card.
  • SnapScan works with international cards (Visa and Mastercard) but they need to have a South African cellphone number in order to create the account.

Please note: The general QR code provided by SnapScan will not update invoices/appointments in your AppointmentGuru account. Clients must scan the QR code generated on their invoice so that when they make the payment, it's automatically reconciled in your AppointmentGuru account. Less work for you!

Configuring AppointmentGuru and SnapScan:

  1. Once your SnapScan account has been approved, add your SnapScan ID to your AppointmentGuru account settings by going to the Invoices page and clicking on Settings (the cog icon on the top right). The SnapScan ID is the short code under the Snapcode on your Merchant kit.
  2. Send an email to with the following request: > Please could the following webhook config be added to my SnapScan account. My SnapScan ID is :
  3. If you prefer, send us an email and we'll send the email on your behalf.
  4. Once SnapScan have confirmed they've made the change on their side, you're ready to go!