Common tasks you may need to perform as you manage you team on AppointmentGuru

Created: Dec. 6, 2022, 2:40 p.m. Last updated Dec. 6, 2022, 2:40 p.m.

Common tasks you may need to perform as you manage you team on AppointmentGuru

This article contains a list of common tasks that you may need to perform as you manage your team on AppointmentGuru

Simple team management tasks

Notes for this article

Adding a new member

To add a new team member: From advanced settings: * Click the blue plus in the bottom right * Click on the little person icon

Configuring a team member

Once you've created a team member, you will want to perform some basic setup.

Typically, you'll want to have a look at:

  • Your colleagues basic information
    • contact details
    • registration number (e.g.: HPCSA number)
    • profile picture
  • appointment types
  • permissions, and
  • operating hours.

The easiest way to do this is from the settings website -> Team then click on the team member you want to manage.

  • Read more at:

Adding an existing team member to a new space

Removing a team member from a space

Note: removing a team member from a space will not change your billing. If a colleague leaves your business, you want to deactivate them to remove them from your billing

Deactivating a team member

If one of your colleagues leaves you business, you must deactivate them so that: 1. They can no longer access your shared AppointmentGuru assets 1. They will be removed from your billing on the next billing cycle 1. Their contact details will be scrubbed from their account so that they can create a new AppointmentGuru if they want to

More complicated tasks

Convert multiple spaces into a single space with multiple locations

Make bulk changes to client visibility

When you create a client, you choose the spaces you want their information to be available. If you add a new area, you might like to share all your clients with that space. Here's how:

