Why am I seeing an upgrade notice?

Created: Feb. 1, 2022, 12:24 a.m. Last updated Feb. 1, 2022, 9:48 p.m.

Why am I seeing an upgrade notice?

During your free trial, you'll see an Upgrade button in your AppointmentGuru account

Your free trial lasts for a month and when it's over you'll receive an email asking you to upgrade your account.

If you choose not to upgrade, your account will go into read-only mode (you won't be able to do things like make appointments or create invoices). If your account is still not upgraded after a few months, your account and data will be deleted.

You may also be seeing an upgrade notice if your monthly payment has failed. You can rectify this by going to Settings > Billing to retry or add a new card. Or contact us and we'll help you to get your access back.
