All about ICD-10 codes

In this course, you will learn about the various different ways that you can add ICD-10 codes to your appointments so that you can create ethical invoices with AppointmentGuru. We'll show you how to manually add them, automatically add them based on a client or appointment type and other tricks you can use to accurately and quickly add codes to your appointments and invoices

About the All about ICD-10 codes

Adding ICD-10 codes to your appointments is a critical step in creating ethical invoices that you can submit to the medical aids.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to manually add codes to your appointments - searching our database for codes, adding multiple codes to a single line (e.g.: telling a story: S30 / S30.0) and using the suggestions based on your previous usage.
  • Tips and tricks to speed up the process of adding codes to multiple appointments
  • Automations you can use to automatically add codes to appointments based on the client or appointment type

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