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Tools and techniques to speed up adding ICD-10 and process codes to your appointments

How to copy codes from previous appointments, apply codes to a recurring series of appointments, or create a treatment plan for a client based on the codes on a specific appointment

Tools and techniques to speed up adding ICD-10 and process codes to your appointments

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At AppointmentGuru we do our best to make your life easy. One of the more tedious components of creating invoices for medical aids is adding ICD-10 codes to appointments. To make your life easier, on top of manually adding codes, we also provide a few tools to help you quickly add codes to other appointments.

1. Copy codes from a client's previous appointment

With this technique, you can copy codes from another of this client's appointments so that you don't have to manually add codes to an appointment.

Copy codes from a client's previous appointment - Watch video Copy codes from a client's previous appointment

When to use:

  • You have a client who has visited you previously and you need to add the same or similar codes to the ones you used on their last appointment

Steps to follow:

  1. On the appointment, click manage codes
  2. click on the three dots in the top left
  3. choose "copy codes from previous appointment"
  4. this will load a list of previous and upcoming appointments for this client (only appointments which have codes will be displayed)
  5. Expand an appointment to view the codes, and click on the codes to select them to be added to this appointment
  6. When you're ready, click "save"
    1. tip: You might want to consider ticking the box "clear any existing codes" to avoid accidentally duplicating codes on the appointment

☑️ The codes that you selected will no be added to the current appointment

2. Clone an appointment with its ICD-10 codes

You might have a client come in for their first appointment, and then book a subsequent series of appointments to finish their treatment. Assuming you are planning on using the same treatment for the same diagnosis, what you might do is add the relevant ICD-10 and procedure codes to the initial appointment and then clone the appointment - copying the codes into the new appointments

When to use:

  • You have a client who comes in for an initial appointment and needs to book a number of follow-up appointments
  • You want to create appointments with an irregular recurrence routine (e.g.: every Tuesday and Thursday)

Steps to follow:

  1. Click on the original appointment -> manage codes
    1. Add codes the relevant codes (see adding ICD-10 codes to your appointments) for more information
  2. Close the manage codes dialog and click on the appointment -> clone appointment
  3. Choose "clone by date"
  4. Make sure that "copy codes" is ticked
  5. On the calendar, click on the days you would like to clone this appointment to
  6. Click "Create x appointments"

☑️ You have successfully cloned your original appointment - the cloned appointments will have the same ICD-10 codes as your original appointment

3. Apply codes to all appointments in a recurring series of appointments

Let's say you have a regular customer for whom you have created a number of appointments. Now, it comes time to invoice and you don't want to manually add codes to all their appointments - neither do you want to delete all the appointments and clone them using the technique above. The good news is that you can easily apply codes from one appointment to all the appointments in a range. You can also use this approach to update/change existing codes on a series of appointments

Adding ICD-10 codes to all appointments in a series - Watch video Adding ICD-10 codes to all appointments in a series - Watch Video

When to use:

  • You have a regular client and you have created a recurring appointment for them, and now need to add the same codes to all or some of the appointments in the series

Steps to follow:

  1. Choose an appointment in the series
    1. If you only want to update appointments after a certain date (for example if you have a price change), make sure to select the first appointment on or after that date
  2. Click on the appointment -> manage codes
  3. Make sure the codes on this appointment are how you want them
  4. Click on the three dots (top left of the manage codes dialog) -> Apply to all appointments in series
    1. Choose the relevant options
    2. If you only want to update appointments after the current appointment, make sure to select "only apply to appointments after his one"
  5. Click "apply codes"

☑️ The codes on the current appointment will be applied to the relevant appointments in the recurring series.

4. Add codes to multiple appointments at once

You might want to add codes to a number of appointments at once rather than adding them one at a time.

To do this: wherever you see a list of appointments (for example, the appointments page, or the client details page), click on the relevant appointments (tip: on the calendar, you can also control-click to select multiple appointments).

  • When multiple appointments are selected, you should see a blue toolbar at the top of the page with various actions which can be performed on a group of appointments.
  • Click on "codes" to open the dialog to add codes to selected appointments
  • Add the relevant codes
  • Click "save codes" to apply the codes to the selected appointments

☑️ The codes will be added to all selected appointments

Note: depending on the view, you may need to refresh the list to view the updated appointments


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