Generate a client history report

Created: Feb. 1, 2022, 12:23 a.m. Last updated Feb. 2, 2022, 9:40 p.m.

Generate a client history report

You can generate a client history report for any client. This will generate a print friendly report detailing their appointments, diagnosis codes (ICD-10 and tariff codes) and any notes that you have stored on their profile

How it works

As you use AppointmentGuru, you gather rich information on a client in the form of appointment data, diagnosis codes (ICD-10 codes) and the notes that you take along the way. The client report makes it easy to generate a useful report collating all this information. We generate a print friendly view which you can print or save as a PDF


  • From the client detail page
  • Click onto the notes tab
  • Top right, click the "print report" button
  • Choose a date range, or click "clear date range to generate a report for the client's entire history
  • Click show report
  • Your report will open in a new window
    • You may need to log in again to view the report

The report is a print friendly web page. You can click print (file -> print on most systems) and save as a pdf if you would like to export this report to PDF.
