Home visits or flexible appointment types

Created: Feb. 1, 2022, 12:23 a.m. Last updated Feb. 2, 2022, 9:41 p.m.

Home visits or flexible appointment types

Use flexible appointment types for home visits or appointments where the location is not a fixed address

If you do home visits, or appointments where the location might vary depending on the client (for example meeting at a coffee shop), then flexible appointment types are for you!

Making an appointment type is very easy. Simple tick the box that says "flexible location":


  • From the sidebar -> settings -> locations: Expand the relevant location
  • Click on the appointment type that you would like to edit (or create a new appointment type)
  • Make sure to tick "flexible location"
  • Save changes

How flexible location appointment types work:

  • Online bookings: When booking online, the client will be prompted to provide a location for the appointment using a Google places powered autocomplete.
  • Appointments created by the practitioner: If you create a flexible appointment using the calendar, you will be prompted to enter in the address for the appointment
  • Editing the appointment: You will be able edit the address for an appointment from the appointment detail page (click on an appointment -> open appointment)
  • Notifications: The default notifications know how to handle different appointment types and will display the custom address that has been entered (either by your or the client if they book online).
  • Client appointment information page: The client information page will display the custom address