How to password protect your invoices

Created: Feb. 1, 2022, 12:23 a.m. Last updated Feb. 1, 2022, 9:46 p.m.

How to password protect your invoices

With AppointmentGuru you can password protect your invoices. This will encrypt the pdf files that are sent via email as well as adding an additional layer of security to the invoice view webpage

How it works

When an invoice is password protected, the following will happen:

  • PDFs sent to your clients will be password protected using the password that you set
  • The invoice webpage will be password protected with the same password
  • When sending the invoice to medical aid (using invoice -> send to medical aid), the PDF will not be password protected


When creating an invoice:

  • When creating an invoice, on the confirmation screen
  • Expand the panel: "password protect"
    • You can then enter a password
      • If the information is available, we will provide you with some useful options (e.g.: the client's ID number, phone number or email address)
    • You can also provide a password hint to help the client know what password to use.

Password protect an existing invoice

  • Navigate to the invoice detail page (click on the three dots on the left of an invoice -> edit invoice)
  • At the top right of this page, you will see a button to "add password"
    • Click the button and choose a password in the following dialog.
    • Optionally add a password hint

Changing or viewing the password on an encrypted invoice

  • Navigate to the invoice detail page (click on the three dots on the left of an invoice -> edit invoice)
  • In the top right you can see the password protection details
  • Click the edit button to change the password and password hint