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Updating the pricing on your appointments

Created: Dec. 6, 2023, 3:13 p.m. Last updated Dec. 6, 2023, 3:13 p.m.

Updating the pricing on your appointments

Often, you will need to update the pricing on your appointments. You can very easily change the pricing for an appointment type, and this will apply to all _new appointments_. However, if you need to make a general change (for example, if you are changing your pricing at the beginning of the year) and want to apply this change to existing appointments, you will need to use our pricing tool.

To perform a change to your pricing and also update existing appointments, you can use our pricing tool.

  • From the app, click on advanced settings or navigate directly to
  • In advanced settings, from the sidebar, under "tools", click on "update pricing."

From here, you can update your pricing in the following ways:

  • Update the default pricing on an appointment type and bulk-update all existing appointments after a specific date (will ignore blocked, canceled, invoiced, and paid appointments).
  • Update the pricing on a particular appointment code across all existing appointments after a specific date (will ignore blocked, canceled, invoiced, and paid appointments).
  • Update the code hints AppointmentGuru provides to exclude hints from appointments before a specific date (e.g., don't suggest old pricing).

The attached video provides a detailed walk-through of how the pricing tool can help you.


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