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Where do I add my physical address?

Created: Feb. 1, 2022, 12:24 a.m. Last updated Feb. 8, 2022, 12:09 a.m.

Where do I add my physical address?

You can add one or more locations to a space in AppointmentGuru. A location provides important information to help your clients find you for your appointments. A location can be a physical address, or an online location (for example a meeting room). Your location information will be intelligently shared in your notifications and added to your client's appointment detail page.

An important part of allowing your clients to schedule appointments with you is making sure they know where you are! You'll be able to add your location(s) when adding your appointment types and operating hours.

Steps to follow:

  1. Log into your AppointmentGuru account, from the sidebar, click on Settings and then Spaces.

Add a new location/address:

  1. For the relevant space, scroll down to where the locations are listed. Click the "new" button
  2. Follow the steps to add a new location to your space

Should you want to add another location, repeat the steps.

Edit an existing location

To edit basic information on a location, click on the edit icon next to the location. From here you will be able to edit basic information on the location (name, address and latitude and longitude (via a Google Maps search), as well as each member's operation hours at this location.

Edit advanced information

You can add more information to an appointment (for example you can add notes to help people find you once they have arrived at the address - can be useful, for example, if you are situated in a large building).

To manage these details:

  1. Go to advanced settings
  2. From the sidebar, under spaces, click "locations"
  3. Click "edit" on the space you would like to edit

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