Create an invoice from a single appointment

Quickly create an invoice from a single appointment. Useful if you want to quickly invoice a customer right after their appointment

Create an invoice from a single appointment

Steps to follow

  • Click on the appointment on the Calendar page and click on Invoice.
  • You will be presented with a page with all the information pertinent to your invoice - e.g.: appointment information, price, ICD-10 codes (if relevant), product sales, any payments as well as any other invoices in which the appointment is included.
  • You can edit any information you feel is relevant, and once you're happy with your changes, click the "create invoice" button
  • This will show you a preview of your invoice details.
    • Should you need to, you can password protect your invoice
    • You can also check and update the client's information (e.g.: medical aid details etc) at this point
    • You have the option to mark the invoice as paid - which will track a payment against this invoice and update all attached appointments to a status of paid
  • Click create invoice

Your invoice will be created. On the success screen, you can preview the invoice by clicking on "view", you can also send or share the invoice directly from here.
