Marking an appointment and invoice as paid

Created: Feb. 1, 2022, 12:24 a.m. Last updated Feb. 1, 2022, 9:48 p.m.

Marking an appointment and invoice as paid

Mark an invoice as paid
Note This article has been flagged as needing an update.
The information contained in this article may be incomplete or relate to an older version of AppointmentGuru

Keeping tabs on whether a client has paid or not is useful both in keeping track of cashflow and making sure your reporting is up-to-date.

Marking an appointment as paid

If you don't want to create an invoice and just want to mark the appointment as paid, you can do so by clicking on the appointment > Payments. You'll be able to define the payment method and choose whether to send a receipt or not.

Marking an invoice as paid

If the invoice is in the In progress or Sent column, on the Invoice page, click on the three dots and Add a payment. Marking an invoice as paid will automatically mark the appointment as paid too.

Add a payment will allow you to add partial payments and their payment method (eg. medical aid, card, EFT etc).

If you're using the AppointmentGuru SnapScan integration, appointments and invoices will automatically be marked as paid.

Marking an invoice as paid will also show as paid in the AppointmentGuru app your clients can use to manage their appointments with you.
