Make automatically repeating appointments
Quickly add repeating appointments and save time
Manage all invoice information for an appointment and create an invoice
The invoice details page lets you manage ICD-10 codes, pricing, discounts, line item descriptions, product sales and payment tracking - as well as creating an invoice
Manually share a link to a form with a specific client
Each client has a unique form link, which links their form submission to their profile. You must share the correct link for a form to be correctly linked to a client's profile.
Note: The links shared in your notifications will automatically have the correct URL
Marking an appointment and invoice as paid
Mark an invoice as paid
Merging two clients - safely removing a duplicated client
Merge two clients together, porting all their appointments, invoices, notes and medical aid information
My notifications/emails/smses/invoices are not sending/delivering/my client has not received them
There are a number of things (many out of our control) that can cause your clients not to receive their notifications. We will show you how you can discover failed or undelivered notifications/messages, and work out what the reason for this might be.