What can my clients do on the mobile app?
Mobile AppointmentGuru apps for your clients to book and manage appointments
What is a space
A short explanation of AppointmentGuru spaces. What they are, when to use them, when not to use them, and the difference between spaces and locations.
What is the free website?
AppointmentGuru provides a free website to all AppointmentGuru clients
What's new?
Take a look at the recent changes made to the AppointmentGuru platform
What's the address of my website?
Share your free AppointmentGuru website address with your clients
When to delete and when to cancel an appointment
Learn about the differences between cancelling and deleting an appointment and when to use each
Where do I add my clients?
Quickly add a client to your AppointmentGuru account
Where do I add my physical address?
You can add one or more locations to a space in AppointmentGuru. A location provides important information to help your clients find you for your appointments. A location can be a physical address, or an online location (for example a meeting room). Your location information will be intelligently shared in your notifications and added to your client's appointment detail page.
Where do I see what notifications have been sent to a client?
How to find out what notifications are sent to a client in your AppointmentGuru account
Why am I seeing an upgrade notice?
During your free trial, you'll see an Upgrade button in your AppointmentGuru account